Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (L) looks at Home Minister Imran Abdulla (R) as he delivers a speech at Iskandhar Building on July 5, 2020. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Home Ministry has ‘disappeared’ from the list of government ministries displayed on President’s Office website.
Whereas the mandate of each government ministry had previously been listed on President’s Office, Home Ministry was dropped from the list on Tuesday.
It comes a day after a letter from President’s Office Chief of Staff Ali Zahir to Home Minister Imran Abdulla, informing him of the decision to remove Maldives Police Service from under the charge of Home Ministry, leaked to the press.
President’s Office has yet to make an official comment regarding the decision.
The leaked letter reads that Maldives Police Service ceased to be run under Home Ministry on March 27 – the day the new Police Service Act took effect.
The letter reads that the Home Ministry has been informed of its new mandate in writing, and instructs the Home Ministry to continue to manage other institutions under its charge.