Tourism Minister Ali Waheed speaking at the “Burabi” convocation held on December 17, 2019. (Sun Photo/Ahmed Awshan Ilyas)
Tourism Minister Ali Waheed has apologized for any statements by him that were misinterpreted and might have offended or caused distress and anger to the public.
The Minister’s apology came after he came under fire by the public for saying that proper service charges were given by resorts to its employees.
After intense criticism from the public, the Ministry also stepped in to issue a statement clarifying that the Minister’s comments were regarding only large-scale key investors in the country and that he did not say that the service charge amounts were properly given or not given by all resorts, collectively.
The Minister apologized for any misinterpreted words that might have been offensive in a tweet last night and stated that “it was up to the beloved public to judge the work, conducted monthly in the tourism industry for industry members.
In the tweet, he also blamed the media for falsely reporting his statements and stated his dedication to upholding the rights of everyone in the industry once again.