
Gender Ministry: 105 cases of violence against children reported in January

Protesters hold an anti-rape rally in Male' City on June 29, 2020. (File Photo/Sun/Fayaz Moosa)

Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services revealed that the authority received 105 cases of different types of violence against children in the month of January 2022.

As per the statistics publicized by the ministry, from the total 254 cases received and attended by the authority, the highest number of cases were involving children. In this category, 56 cases were of girls and 49 cases of boys.

In the violence against children category, the ministry stated that witnessing domestic violence was most frequently reported, with 21 cases.

Violence against children reported in January:

·        Witnessing domestic violence: 21 cases

·        Sexual abuse: 20 cases

·        Neglect: 20 cases

·        Physical abuse: 14 cases

·        Commercial exploitation/child labour: 11 cases

·        Emotional abuse: 10 cases

·        Exploitation: 6 cases

·        Harassment: 3 cases

Additionally, there were 13 cases of child rights violations reported to and attended as well.

Child rights violation:

·        Violation of rights to safe drinking water/electricity: 7 cases

·        NID card/passport/birth certificate: 4 cases

·        Birth registration: 2 cases

There were also 13 cases pertaining to various behavioural problems reported in that period.

Behavioural problems:

·        Running away: 6 cases

·        Temper tantrums: 4 cases

·        Refusal to attend school: 3 cases

Meanwhile, the ministry revealed that a total of 56 cases of gender-based violence and domestic violence were reported in January, with cases of physical abuse being the most frequently. From this, 49 cases were towards females, while 7 cases were against men.

Gender-based violence and domestic abuse

·        Physical abuse/violence: 24 cases

·        Emotional/verbal abuse: 14 cases

·        Intimidating: 7 cases

·        Sexual violence: 5 cases

·        Rape: 5 cases

·        Sexual harassment: 1 case

In the same period, 38 cases of family-related issues, were reported to the ministry and attended to.

Family issues:

·        Custody or access: 19 cases

·        Parenting issues: 14 cases

·        Maintenance: 5 cases

Moreover, the Gender Ministry’s figures show 18 cases related to the care and support of the elderly and persons with disabilities in January 2022.

Care and support for elderly and persons with disabilities:

·        Care and support for persons with disabilities: 17 cases

·        Care and support to elderly: 1 case

Additionally, 11 cases regarding self-harm and suicidal behaviour were received and attended to by the ministry.

Self-harming / Suicidal behaviours:

·        Suicidal thoughts: 3 cases

·        Suicidal behaviour: 4 cases

·        Self-harming:4 cases

The Gender Ministry gave details regarding children under state care, stating that at the moment a total of 195 children are cared for by the government. In January, 8 children were reintegrated with families, while 6 children were taken to state care. 
