Protesters hold an anti-rape rally in Male' City. (File Photo/Sun/Mohamed Muzain Nazim)
The annual statistics released by Family Protection Authority (FPA) show the highest number of domestic violence cases reported in 2021 involved emotional abuse of women.
FPA released the annual statistics for 2021 on Wednesday.
It shows 288 cases of emotional and verbal abuse against women were reported in 2021.
FPA also received reports of 247 cases of physical abuse of women, 229 cases of intimidation, and 78 cases of witnessing acts of domestic violence.
The authority also received reports of 100 cases of emotional abuse and intimidation, and 69 cases of physical abuse of girls.
The statistics show FPA received reports of 33 cases of intimidation of children, and 78 cases where children witnessed acts of domestic violence.
As for cases involved male victims of domestic abuse, FPA received reports of 56 cases involving emotional and verbal abuse, 41 cases involving physical abuse, and 14 cases involving intimidation of boys, and 61 cases where boys witnessed acts of domestic violence.
Meanwhile, FPA also received reports of 47 cases involving emotional and verbal abuse, 32 cases involving physical abuse, and 40 cases involving intimidation of men.