Health Minister Abdulla Ameen stated that people with symptoms of the Covid-19 virus were not fully honest and could pose a danger to the entire nation on April 9, 2020. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Health Minister Abdulla Ameen is set to be questioned by Parliament over the issue of ventilators to be imported into the country that has faced some delays.
The ventilators are part of the government efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic virus plaguing the world.
MP for South Mahchangoalhi Ahmed Haitham proposed to question the Minister. His line of questioning is based on the ventilators and posed 10 questions to ask the minister.
The questions posed are:
The government has stated that it was targeting to establish 200 ventilators in the country and that 70 ventilators were already being imported. The government has stated that assurances of receiving the ventilators were received and were facing delays due to the travel restrictions placed internationally.
It is not yet confirmed how the ventilators are being sourced. Whether it is through a free donation or a bidding process is yet to be clarified.
The government is also working to establish a 300-bed medical facility in case the virus spirals out of control in the country. Around MVR 40 million is being spent on this.
Many have alleged acts of corruption surrounding the ventilators and questions have been posed at the Health Minister of the country.