The government has welcomed the preliminary observations of UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Ms Gabrielle Knaul.
A statement by the Foreign Ministry says that Attorney General Azima Shakoor has welcomed the preliminary observations and thanked the Rapporteur for her honest assessment of the justice system in the Maldives. Azima also noted the Maldives’ democratic transition, and highlighted several areas that required urgent reform.
“In the discussion the Government also noted the responsibility of international partners in establishing a conducive environment where institutions of the State, particularly the judiciary, are respected by the public.”
Ms Knaul will conclude her visit to the Maldives tonight.
In her remarks, she noted several issues regarding the justice sector of the Maldives, including the lack of mechanisms that would hold prosecutors, court staff and judges accountable and the lack of basic pieces of legislation including the Penal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Civil Procedure Code that are essential to strengthen the justice system. She also identified training of judges, lawyers and prosecutors as an urgent area that required utmost attention.
The Foreign Ministry said in its statement that in conclusion, the Rapporteur called on the international community, the UN agencies and other international organizations to strengthen their engagement in the Maldives and continue to contribute to the consolidation of the justice sector.