
Maldives protects popular dive sites in Male’ atoll

K. Okobe Thila.

The Maldivian government has designated two large underwater pinnacles in the Kaafu Atoll - the Bodu Hithi Thila and the Okobe Thila – as marine protected areas.

The two popular dive sites were protected under the Environmental Preservation and Protection Act.

Upon being designated as protected areas, the following activities are banned at the site:

  • Research or mining for oil, gas or any other such material
  • Dumping of any type of waste
  • Land reclamation and dredging
  • Mining for rock, sand or coral
  • Anchoring vessels
  • Infrastructure development
  • Release of any pollutant
  • Aquaculture or mariculture activities
  • Catching, harming or killing any organism except for sustainable methods of catching bait
  • Taking the eggs of any living organism or tampering with a nest
  • Introducing any type of organism
  • Feeding any living organism including fish and birds
  • Using lights at night
  • Making loud disruptive noises
  • Catching any type of juvenile fish except for common bait

Visits, research and restoration and rehabilitation works are allowed in protected areas with necessary permits.

Bodu Hithi Thila

K. Bodu Hithi Thila.

This 127.47-hector underwater pinnacle lies between Rasfari and Ulaanee in western Kaafu Atoll, and is home to one of the best manta cleaning stations in northern Kaafu Atoll.

Divers can expect to see manta rays from December to April, during the Northeast Monsoon. The area is also home to sharks, turtles and many colorful reef fish.

Okobe Thila

This 379.31-hector underwater pinnacle lies in eastern Kaafu Atoll.

Off this reef is a continuous line of ledges and overhangs which are covered with a thick layer of soft corals. On the north end of the reef is an outcrop with abundant fish life, including large groups of bluestripe snapper, oriental sweetlips and fusiliers. On the eastern side is a bigger outcrop where barracudas, Napoleon wrasses, big tuna and trevally can be found. The reef is also known for its excellent coral growth.

Both sites are popular among divers.
