Additional Telegram channel facilitating prostitution seized by the police.
An additional Telegram channel facilitating and encouraging prostitution has been seized by the Police.
Police seized the Telegram channel titled ‘MV Call Girls’ and subsequently launched an investigation into the channel.
The seizure of this channel comes after a similar seizure in March where the Police had brought down a major crime network, encouraging various crimes, operating via Telegram channels following investigations. The crimes ranged from drug trafficking to prostitution. They added the investigation found that a designated taxi was used to carry the suspects involved in prostitution.
Police, in a statement, said they investigated the following Telegram channels; ‘Jazeera Admin’, ‘Jazeera Girls’ and ‘Jazeera Link Khabar’.
As per the Police, the channels had been in operation since April of last year. They have made three arrests following their investigation; a 28-year-old Maldivian man, a 39-year-old Maldivian woman and a 60-year-old Maldivian man who is believed to be the taxi driver.