
Tree Top Hospital successfully performs first renal artery angioplasty

Tree Top Hospital. (Photo/Tree Top Hospital)

Tree Top Hospital (TTH) has announced a significant achievement in the field of interventional cardiology; its first renal artery angioplasty procedure.

The first-ever renal artery angioplasty procedure at the TTH was performed a team of skilled medical professionals, led by consultant cardiologist, Dr. Amit Agarwal.

Renal artery angioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that opens narrowed arteries supplying blood to the kidneys.

According to TTH, it can be a life-changing intervention for patients suffering from high blood pressure, reduced kidney function, and single functioning kidneys with severe stenosis (narrowing).

In a statement announcing the successful procedure, TTH reiterated its commitment to providing the highest quality healthcare in the Maldives. 

“With state-of-the-art equipment and operation theatres, the hospital is constantly striving to push the boundaries of medical innovation,” said the hospital.
