Hassan Fahudh, 31, Mafuruvilaa, HA. Ihavandhoo, who has been reported missing at Ihavandhoo on February 6, 2022. (Photo/Facebook)
Police and HA. Ihavandhoo Council has commenced a search for a missing person at the island.
The missing person has been identified as Hassan Fahudh, 31, Mafuruvilaa, Ihavandhoo.
Ihavandhoo Council President Ahmed Sobah told Sun that Fahudh was last seen by his mother this evening. Sobah detailed that he had left the house after stating he was going swimming.
“No one in the island had seen Fahudh venture into the sea,” he added.
Fahudh was reported missing to the Police at around 9:45pm tonight. The island council, Police and Ihavandhoo residents are currently searching for him.
“At present, the Police, Council and residents are jointly searching all areas in the island. Searching abandoned houses and places as well. The area surrounding the island has been searched once. Currently, the area is being searched a second time. MNDF will begin searching the sea in a while,” he detailed.
Council President said that as Fahudh was not found during the first search conducted of the island – all areas of the island are being searched for a second time.
“If he is not found during the second search of the whole island, we will request assistance to locate him from the coastguard,” he added.
Fahudh is an employee of Fenaka Corporation, working at the company’s Ihavandhoo branch.