
131 cases of child abuse in August alone!

Monthly statistics issued from the Ministry of Family and Gender has shown that 246 cases submitted to the Ministry this August and 131 of them being different cases of child abuse.

That is 32 percent of the cases in August 2017.

Gender Ministry said that physical abuse is the most common form of abuse cases that was submitted to the Ministry among the cases of child abuse.

Along with the cases of physical abuse, the Ministry also received 37 cases of sexual abuse, 33 cases of negligence, 24 cases of psychological abuse along with two cases reported by witnesses to the crime and three cases reported by other children.

They also received a case of cyber bullying from other children and a case of child prostitution.

Statistics from the Ministry for August show six cases of crimes by children. Among those, they noted a case of gang violence and theft by children.

The Gender Ministry also received cases of sexism, domestic abuse, abuse against people with disabilities, negligence of the elderly and self harm.

And so 36 cases of sexism was reported, which is once percent of the cases in August. The sexism cases include physical and psychological abuse.

The Ministry received eight cases of self harm in August 2017.
