
Government decides to halt GMR

The government has decided to notify GMR to halt the construction of the new terminal at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport.

This decision was made following discussions at yesterday’s cabinet meeting.

The issue was proposed by Ministry of Transport and Communication.

The President’s Office said that GMR had not obtained the necessary permits from Maldives Civil Aviation Authority prior to the commencement of the construction of the new terminal.

Minister of Transport Ahmed Shamheed said in an interview with Sun Online that GMR had been notified to halt construction on two occasions by Civil Aviation Department, with no response.

Following the cabinet decision, a letter had been sent to GMR by Housing Ministry.

Members of the cabinet pointed out at the meeting that all airport development work should be carried out after obtaining the necessary permits, and that the airport development plan must be authorized by the Civil Aviation Authority before it is implemented.

GMR has earlier indicated that it did obtain the necessary permits before work on the new terminal commenced.

Construction of the 55,000 sq metre terminal began last month, and according to GMR, will be completed in 2014.
