
Shop fire originated from AC; MVR 2 mn in damages

Owner of the Hulhumale’ shop “Delrio” reports the fire which burned down almost all of the merchandise inside the shop worth an estimated MVR 2 million resulted from the air condition system inside the shop catching on fire.

Ahmed Shuhad, who is a shareholder of the partnership business which runs “Delrio” spoke to

“Sun” this Monday morning and said almost all the merchandise inside the shop burned down and the rest were damaged beyond use due to the smoke by the time the fire was finally put out.

Shuhad also said the shop wasn’t insured.

“We estimate the damage to be more than MVR 2 million. The shop and the merchandise weren’t insured,” said Shuhad.

Shuhad said the fire originated from a blaze inside the indoor compartment of the air condition system, and that the fire spread to the rest of the shop due to lack of fire safety mechanisms.

Shuhad said the property was under the ownership of Housing Development Corporation.

HDC was unavailable for comment regarding the fire.

Media official for Maldives National Defense Force, Adnan Mohamed said the fire was reported at 12:57 pm last Sunday, and was brought under control at 1:15 pm through the efforts of the Fire and Rescue Department of MNDF.

“By the time the fire was put out, the glass windows of the shop had completely shattered and the ceiling had collapsed,” said Adnan.
