
Woman with flu symptoms has baby via emergency C-section

The pregnant woman from H. Dh. Kulhudhuffushi in critical condition with symptoms of the H1N1 influenza (swine flu) has given birth via emergency C-section.

The woman was transported from Kulhudhuffushi to Male’ City last Tuesday after her condition worsened.

Authorities held a press conference on Tuesday night regarding the latest updates on the H1N1 outbreak in the country.

During the press conference, Chief Medical Officer of ADK Hospital, Dr. Abdulla Niyaf said two pregnant women suspected of being infected with the H1N1 virus were being treated; one who has been receiving treatment since March 5, and one who was transported to Male’ City from the atolls.

Director of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital’s Media Unit, Ahmed Mausoom reported to “Sun” that one of the women has now given birth via an emergency C-section.

Ahmed Mausoom said both the woman and her child was currently being treated at the Intensive Care Unit.

IGMH has not confirmed the identity of the woman.

However, “Sun” is privy to information it’s the woman who was transported from Kulhudhuffushi to Male’ City last Tuesday.

The woman was reportedly six-months pregnant when the emergency C-section was performed.
