
Corruption charges against Mahloof, Nihan and Ilham

Corruption charges have been filed with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) against Ilham Ahmed, MP for Gemanafushi Constituency, Ahmed Mahloof, MP for Galolhu Dhekunu Constituency, and Ahmed Nihaan Hussain Manik, MP for Vilimaafannu Constituency. These three MPs were prominent members of main opposition Divehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) who led the breakaway Z Faction of DRP which has now severed itself from DRP to form new party, the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

Hassan Luthufy, President of ACC affirmed reports about the charges, however declined to declare the name of the complainer, as the law protects anonymity of those who file corruption charges with the ACC. He also said that the case had not yet been referred to the Committee.

“The charges have been filed with the ACC, but the case has not yet been referred to the Committee”, said Luthufy.

According to a reliable source, the charges were filed by a DRP member, who works in the entertainment industry.

The charges were filed on the 8th of this month. According to the charges, Ilham, Mahloof and Nihaan, who had ditched DRP to form PPM, had committed acts that would lead to corruption. The claim says that Mahloof had failed to declare a true statement of his financial transactions, while Ilham engaged in smuggling in Sri Lanka together with opposition leader Abdullah Yamin, and Nihaan also has failed to declare his assets.

Attempts to contact Mahloof and Nihaan were not successful, while Ilham said that he and his family travelled to Sri Lanka often for medical and educational purposes, although he did not engage in any kind of business activities in Sri Lanka. “That is a sheer nonsense”, said Ilham, referring to the charges.
