
Special harbor for fishermen to be built on the South lagoon

Economic Council has said that a specialized harbor for fishermen would built at the new harbor being built on the South of Malé City.

Speaking at a press conference at the President’s Office yesterday, Minister of the President’s Office on the Economic Council, Ahmed Zuhoor said that fishing boats, tourist vessels and other vessels have been using the same, single harbor.

Fisheries Minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee, also on the Economic Council, said that fishermen are experience difficulties due to having a small harbor but that is going to be resolved.

Dr. Shainee said that not everything can be solved all at once but the government is working to resolve things.

After the area near Izzuddeen Jetty was closed down, fishing boats have been experiencing difficulties to the point where they cannot dock in Malé due to the lack of space at the harbor.

The government has a project underway to create a harbor on the south side of Malé City under the Malé development project of establishing an Industrial Village in the City.
