
Ministry: No more leniency regarding lack of parking space in buildings

Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has declared that it will no longer be lenient regarding the regulation which makes it compulsory for there to be parking space allocated when constructing a building.

The current housing regulation makes it compulsory for 15 percent of any building to be allocated for parking space, while the regulation on vehicles and vehicle registration dictates that four-wheeled vehicles – except for handicap motorcycles – cannot be registered unless there is a specific garage allocated to park it – guaranteed through a letter of permission by the owner of the garage.

When questioned by “Sun” about the lack of enforcement of the regulation, Deputy Housing Minister Hassan Zareer said that the enforcement of the regulation had met with challenges previously, but that it was being enforced from 2015 onwards.

“We no longer approve the blueprint for the building or give permission to use the building unless there is parking space allocated,” said Zareer.

He noted that people were turning spaces allocated for parking space in their blueprints into business spaces – most often, shops.

Zareer said that the authorities had tightened control over such practices, and that permits for shops or other business space requested after the building is constructed will only be granted after the owner is able allocate parking space from within the building.

Issues contributing to congestion and traffic in the capital, Male’ include multiple vehicles being registered to a single garage – with no proper oversight by Transport Authority.
