Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has said that they have activated six more ferries to facilitate the high number of people using the MTCC ferry service between Malé City and Hulhumalé.
Every Eid, a large number of people living in Malé City travel to Hulhumalé, especially the expatriates living in the capital. And the ferry terminal was packed today as well.
Manager of the MTCC Hulhumalé Ferry Operations, Mohamed Nazim told Sun Media today that they usually have 11 ferries in service for Hulhumal11 ferries in service for Hulhumal11 ferries in service for Hulhumalé but they have 17 ferries in operation today.
“Now ferry would leave every 5 minutes, this is the state every Eid. We will give whichever service we can.” Nazim said.
He said that they are facing challenges since the large number of expatriate passengers at their terminals is not following instructions.