
HPA advises caution as diarrhea cases spike up

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has issued a public warning as diarrhea cases in Male’ and some atolls spike up.

HPA released a statement in which it said that they had received reports of an increase in number of diarrhea cases in the capital – Male’ and some other atolls, and stressed the importance of good hygiene as diarrhea is primarily spread through food and water.

HPA advised the public to:

• Chlorinate or boil water before use, and clean the roof if rain water is collected and used

• Wash and cook food thoroughly

• Wash hands with soap after using the toilet, and before preparing food

• Wash hands after changing diapers, and properly dispose of used diapers

• Use covers to protect food from flies, use fresh food, and properly store food items

• Avoid garbage from piling up by cleaning households, islands on a regular basis, and properly dispose of perishable food items

If you have diarrhea:

• Increase liquid intake if you vomit

• Using drinks high in sugar

• Increase frequency a baby is breastfed if he/she has diarrhea

• Home school students who have diarrhea until they recover

• Go to a doctor for medical care

HPA advises that anyone with diarrhea whose throat gets unusually dry, gets dizzy, urinates less, vomits, has traces of blood in feces, is unable to take in liquid, or has unusually painful stomachache to seek medical care immediately.
