
Mahloof’s sentence to be appealed

Legal team of the MP for South Galolhu constituency, Ahmed Mahloof has said that they would appeal the four month prison sentence against their client for obstruction of Police at the High Court.

In a press conference by the legal team today, lawyer Abdulla Haseen said that they are preparing to appeal the sentence and the hope is to submit the appeal at the High Court on Sunday.

Although there are doubts in the court system of the country in providing justice, lawter Haseeen said that all the steps in the legal system would be followed through.

Noting that the case summary of the sentence from the Criminal Court has been received, Haseen said that people of MP Mahloof’s constituency have been raising complaints due to his prison sentence.

Talking about the prison sentence, laywer Haseen said that the Judge has the choice of passing a sentence that does not affect the service of an MP.

He said that if Mahloof was found guilty of the crime, taking in to the account that it was his first offence, instead of leniency, the court chose a sentence that keeps the MP from being the voice of the people at the Parliament.

The sentencing hearing in the second charge of obstruction of Police against MP Mahloof was scheduled for today before being cancelled.

The cause for cancelling the hearing has not been made public as of yet.

A second charge of obstruction of Police was brought forth by the state against MP Mahloof with the accusation of breaking through a Police barricade and entering a closed area during a city wide protest on the night of March 2015 around 9:30 p.m.
