
MDP calls for the immediate release of Colonel Nazim

MDP has called for the immediate release of the former Defence Minister Colonel-retired Mohamed Nazim after the DNA of the former Vice President Ahmed Adheeb Abdul Gafoor was found on the pistol discovered at the former Defence Minister’s residence.

After the pistol was found, the former Defence Minister, Nazim was sentenced to 11 years in prison for import and possession of a firearm and the Criminal Court sentence was supported by the High Court. The case is now in appeal at the Supreme Court.

The party issued a press statement today saying that Nazim had no relation to the weapon and has been claiming innocence since day one.

And said that the information revealed by the Police last night no close to the end of his final appeal prove that the former Defence Minister was framed.

Speaking at a press conference at Iskandharu Koshi last night, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Abdulla Navaz said that one of the DNA profiles taken from the pistol found at the residence of the former Defence Minister matches that of the former Vice President Adheeb.

MDP said that Nazim’s trial is proof that the Maldivian Justice System has sunk to the lowest level.
