
Police admits Adheeb’s DNA was found on the Pistol from Nazim’s residence

Police have admitted to finding the DNA of the former Vice President Ahmed Adheeb Abdul Gafoor on the pistol that was found at the residence of the former Defence Minsiter, Colonel-retired Mohamed Nazim.

Speaking at a press conference at Iskandharu Koshi tonight, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Abdulla Navaz said that one of the DNA profiles taken from the pistol found at the residence of the former Defence Minister matches that of the former Vice President Adheeb.

Assistant Commissioner Navaz said that the results would be sent to the Prosecutor General’s (PG) Office tomorrow.

He said that there are more profiles discovered on the weapon and are being investigated.

Lawyer Husnu Suood accused the former Commissioner of Police, Hussain Waheed and former Vice President Ahmed Adheeb of setting up his client, the former Defence Minister, Nazim. He said that pistol was planted by a Police Officer named Asif on orders from them.

Navaz said that the Police would look into the accusations made by Nazim’s lawyer and seek out anything there is to be found.

And he said that updates would be made to the media on the progress of the investigation.
