
Opposition coalition has met with the British Foreign Office

Leader of the Maldivian United Opposition (MUO) and former Vice President, Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed and the Advisor of MUO and former President, Mohamed Nasheed has met with the British Foreign Office.

A statement issued by the coalition today said that Dr. Jameel and Ex-President Nasheed went to the British Foreign Office yesterday and shared information on the political state of the Maldives and discussed various issues of the country.

But it is unclear who they met at the British Foreign Office.

The Coalition said that Dr. Jameel and former President Nasheed raised concerns that there is no change to the detention of the political leaders and the government’s attempts to abolish the multi-party system.

The opposition leaders announced a united coalition on 1 June in London. While a shadow cabinet with 19 Ministers has been announced by the coalition, the Leader of the coalition is the first Vice President of the current government, Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed and the Deputy Leader is the MDP Chairperson, Ali Waheed.
