Economic Ministry has decided to open a market to sell juice and homemade foods for “Iftar” (breakfast) at Ramadan for people who work on busy schedules.
Talking to the press about the market named “Ramadan Fresh”, the Deputy Minister of the Economic Ministry, Adam Thaufeeq said that fried and fried-ready foods would be available at the market that would be opened at the Carnival parking zone. He said that the market would include stalls with fresh juice which would be prepared upon order.
State Minister Thaufeeq said that the Economic Ministry would be monitoring the hygiene of the market.
Aside from prepared food products, other essentials to the Ramadan would also be available at the market at a “not too expensive” price including fruits, vegetables and fish. There would also be two restaurants at the market.
While the market is set to have a total of 30 stalls, applications have been opened for them. Each stall would be given at a maximum price of MVR 7000.
The market is set to be opened from 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. in every day in the month of Ramadan.
Minister Thaufeeq said that the Economic Ministry has held discussions to control the price of imported foods as to keep them from being too expensive.