Health Ministry has started investigation over allegation made by Naasiha Rasheed from G. A. Maamendhoo that negligence on part of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital had resulted in her baby dying inside her womb.
Naasiha – who had been carrying her first child - noted in the letter she sent to Health Ministry that there had been a huge delay in her receiving medical attention from the hospital.
Naasiha’s husband, Shimhaz Ali spoke to “Sun” on Thursday and said that they had gone to IGMH on February 18 because the baby was not making any movement.
The baby’s heart had been beating then, but the baby had not been making any movements.
And the hospital had advised that Naasiha get admitted to hospital immediately for a C-section.
The hospital had then postponed the C-section saying that the baby was making movement later that night, and the next thing they knew, hospital had informed them that the baby had died in the womb, said Shimhaz.
A patient being brought to IGMH. - Sun file photo
“IGMH did not pay any attention when we told them the baby had not been making any movement since that morning. They said it would be fine and didn’t bother,” said Shimhaz.
Shimhaz said that they also believed there had been some issues with the scan.
Spokesperson for Health Ministry, Thasleema Usman said that they were investigating the case, and had already taken numerous statements relevant to the case.
The ministry did not make any further comments regarding the case as it is an ongoing investigation.