The state has brought up charges against the CEO of Raajje TV, Fiyaz Moosa.
Prosecutor General (PG) Bisham confirmed to Sun Media of the charges.
An official from the PG Office told Sun Media tonight that Fiyaz has been charged with Assault. If convicted, the CEO of Raajje TV could be sentenced to four years in prison as the maximum punishment for the crime. The basis of sentencing for the crime points towards 19 months in prison.
The sentence in the crime could be lightened based on the subsection of the Penal Code Section 120.
Section 120 – Assault
(a) Offense Defined. A person commits an offense if he, without the consent of another person:
(1) Touches or injures such person, or
(2) Puts such person in fear of imminent bodily injury.
On day an IED was discovered near the Presidential Residence, Muliaage, and was taken to Maafannu Stadium to be diffused, Police arrest Fiyaz from the area. It is believed that he is being charged in relation to his arrest that day.
Aside from Fiyaz, charges have been brought up against two journalists Visam and Leevan from Raajje TV as well. They are being charged with obstruction of a law enforcement officer and obstruction of Police duty.
They have been ordered to appear at court to be formally informed of the charges. But both journalists have said that they had not received such an order.