A team from Thailand has started surveying places in Maldives for any sign of Zika virus – spread through mosquitoes – in Maldives.
Health Protection Agency (HPA) Head of Surveillance, Ibrahim Nishan Ahmed said on Monday that a team from Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences in Bangkok, Thailand began their work on surveying Maldives for signs of Zika virus on Sunday.
“We have not seen any signs from our findings yet. We will get such information once we start testing,” said Nishan.
Zika virus is transmitted through aedis aegyptia mosquito, which bites all day long. Center for Disease Control has now said that there is a chance Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, which are known for transmitting dengue and chikungunya, may also be transmitting the virus.
Symptoms of the Zika virus includes fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes and can last from a few days to a week.
However, 80 percent of people infected with Zika virus show no symptoms at all.
Zika has been linked to an increase in cases of a rare neurological condition called microcephaly in babies – which results in babies being born with abnormally small heads and sometimes life threatening developmental delays.
Cases have now been documented of Zika virus being spread not just through mosquito bites and from mother to unborn baby, but through sexual transmission, blood transfusion and laboratory exposure.
There is no prevention or treatment to the disease. It has been advised not to travel to Latin American countries where the disease is spreading, and to use mosquito repellant and cover exposed skin.