
MDP suspends Alhan from internal elections for 18 months

Former Vice President of MDP, Alhan Fahumee has been suspended from all internal elections of the party for 18 months.

The action committee of MDP made the decision after review the case of Alhan running for Parliament independently at a constituency where an MDP candidate was already selected. The MP for Feydhoo constituency where Alhan ran as an independent candidate was won by the PPM candidate, Ibrahim Didi.

Regarding the action taken against Alhan, MDP issued a statement today saying that Alhan admitted to running for Feydhoo constituency independently and left session refusing to accept the committee.

Alhan ran for the parliament’s Feydhoo constituency independently after claiming that there were misleading at the MDP preliminaries. The Civil Court ruled against him saying that the preliminaries do not have to be nullified.
