Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has said that its aim is to consult about 12,000 people before their new manifesto is completed, and that work is underway to create a state budget for the MDP government.
Member of the committee working on the manifesto, former Economic Minister Mahmood Razee said that in addition to five promises, new policies and procedures will be included in the manifesto.
“We hope that by the time the manifesto is completed, we will have an annual state program budget to be presented to the Parliament,” Mahmood said.
He said that groups will be consulted on how to obtain finance for the projects, and that the expenses will be defined in the manifesto. Also, surveys will be conducted to decide which programs are to be conducted in islands, and these efforts are already underway.
MDP teams are currently working in Addu atoll, Fuvahmulah, two islands in Baa atoll and N. Velidhoo.
“We hope to visit northern islands next week,” Mahmood said.
The earlier manifesto of MDP was based on public opinion and five promises, which were to make housing affordable, eliminate having to beg for healthcare, connect all islands through a transport system, close all doors to drugs, and reduce living expenditures.
Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has also commenced consulting the public to create a manifesto to present before the presidential election.