

The Prosecutor General’s (PG) Office has sent back the case against Ismail Rauf, the step-grandfather of the three-year-old Mohamed Ibthihaal who was found dead with multiple bruises and wounds. The PG’s Office said that the Ismail Rauf was charged with sexually abusing Ibthihaal before his death and the case was rejected because some of the details were incomplete.

Information Officer of the PG’s Office, Mohamed Nihaan told Sun Media tonight that the case sent to the PG’s Office by the Police on 7 May after the investigation was sent back due to incomplete details and to resubmit after completing them.

Ismail Rauf is the step-father of Ibthihaal’s mother, Aafiya Mohamed.

Police has said earlier that Rauf has previously been found guilty of abusing his step-children and was convicted. And the investigation has proved that he has previously abused Aafiya as well.
