
Special parking zones to be established for the handicapped

Special parking zones are going to be established for the handicapped near some of the mosques.

Chairman of the transport authority, Abdul Rasheed Naafiz told Sun Media today that while they have decided to put wheelchairs for handicapped people at some of the mosques, they would also be establishing parking zones for the handicapped near those mosques.

“With the traffic problem in Malé at the moment, it is important to have a parking zone for handicapped people not far from the mosques when they arrive. A sign should be put up to mark the area.” Naafiz said.

While a special sign would be installed to identify handicapped parking zones, signs would be put up so that other vehicles cannot park in front of the gates of the mosques.

Disabilities Ambassador, Ahemd Hishan told Sun Media that establishing this is something he has been trying to achieve for a long time and it would be a success with the help of the Police. Hishan said that this is something that the handicapped people want very much.

So far, wheelchairs are available at the Masjid Al Furuqaan, Masjid Al Noor and the Merchant’s Mosque. The Islamic Ministry has that the wheelchairs would be available at other mosques in the future.
