
Vice President leaves the country

Vice President, Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed has left the country.

Sources say that the Vice President left the country on a medical trip. But it is unclear which country he went to.

Some of the MPs of the PPM Parliamentary Group have said that the Minister of Tourism, Ahmed Adheeb Abdul Gafoor would be replacing Dr. Jameel as the Vice President.

Last night, the MP for the Baarah constituency said that Minister Adbeeb would take over as the Vice President before 26 July.

Leader of the PPM’s Parliamentary Group, Ahmed Nihaan Hussain Manik said that if anyone is replacing the Vice President, the most capable person for the job would be Minister Adheeb.

While the MPs of PPM are saying this, the Parliament has amended the constitution so that the age of the candidates for the Presidency and the Vice Presidency would be between 30 – 65 years of age. Minister Adheeb is now 34 years old.

Dr. Jameel can be replaced with the vote of 2/3 of the Parliament. That is 57 votes out of the 85 members of the Parliament.
