
Fenaka substation in Addu set on fire

A fire was set last night at the Fenaka Corporation substation in Hithadhoo, Addu City.

Fenaka Corporation said today that their electrical substation near Muhibbuddin School was set on fire with kerosene. But there was no damage to the transformer but the door of the substation was destroyed in the fire.

“The company’s concern is that if the transformer at the substation was damaged, the area using the transformer would lose electricity.” Fanaka said.

Fenaka says that a transformer is very expensive and not easily available. If the it was damaged, a large portion of the Hithadhoo population would face difficulty with the lack of electricity.

The residence of the Fenaka Regional Director of Addu City, Abdulla Zuhair (Abharee) also recently was vandalized recently.
