Lawyer of the MDP Chairperson Ali Waheed, Husnu Suood has said that his client in Police custody regarding an investigation by the Serious and Organized Crime Department of the Police is exercising his constitutional right to remain silent not because he does not want to aid the Police in their investigation.
Speaking at a press conference at the office of Husnu Suood, he said that his client is exercising his right to remain silent because he is “emotional state” is not in the best condition.
He said that Ali Waheed was never someone to impede the Police or investigators.
Lawyer Suood said that the place where a suspect is confined should not be a place that serves as a punishment.
“Officials of the protest arrested with Ali Waheed are kept in newly built cells. To test the cells, they (officials that led the protest) are the first to go in there. So they are put in there as an experiment after it’s newly made. So I don’t if even the Police or the people kept there would know the condition of the place.” Suood said.
Suood said that since the cells were newly made, the basic needs of the place are below humane standards.
“The first three nights passed without electricity. In pitch black. And these are hot days. And since there isn’t even a fan there, people there are soaked in their own sweat all day.” Suood said.
Lawyer Suood said that a fan has been brought to the cell where Ali Waheed is being kept. But it has no electricity.
Police arrested Ali Waheed on Friday night in suspicion of his speech motivating protestors towards violent behavior.