Investigations have been launched in Kalaafaanu School, after some students suffered health problems due to strong smell of fuel in the area.
Minister of Education Dr Aishath Shiham said at a press conference after all students were sent home this morning, that assessments are under way by Ministry of Environment and Energy and State Electric Company (STELCO), and the school is expected to reopen on Sunday.
STELCO is located near Kalaafaanu School.
Minister of Environment and Energy Thorig Ibrahim said that the problem is not serious, and monitoring efforts were launched by the ministry and STELCO already yesterday morning when the problem was identified.
He added that such smells are experienced due to the change in the direction of the wind, with the change of seasons.
Thorig said that gas and wind measurements will be taken throughout the day today, and a decision will be made on how to proceed on Saturday.
Parents and the public will be duly informed on the developments, he said.
Principal of Kalaafaanu School Naazleen Wafir said that students suffered headaches and nausea yesterday and today, but no one was in critical condition or had to be taken to the hospital.
Education Minister Dr Aishath Shiham and Environment Minister Thorig Ibrahim visited the school and met with officials this morning when the students were sent home.