
CP: The youth leaving to take part in wars needs to be better guided

Commissioner of Police, Hussain Waheed has said that young Maldivians are leaving to take part in foreign wars without knowing the reason of it and they have to be guided on the right path.

Speaking at the joint press conference with the Islamic Foundation of Maldives (IMF) at Shaheed Hussain Adam Building today, Commissioner Waheed said that he believes that IMF could play a role in guiding the youth leaving family, children and country to take part in foreign wars.

“Although some organizations are formed in the name of communal good, we don’t see some of those organizations working in national spirit. Instead, we see them injecting themselves to politics, released inappropriate press releases and sometimes working to smear the good name of the country on international community.” Commissioner said.

Commissioner Waheed said that those acts are not committed for the country and no matter how noble a cause an organization is made for, he believes that such acts does not achieve those goals.

Commissioner said that without saving the youth from drugs and rehabilitate those who are struggling back to society, they cannot be the most favourable to the country. And requested the civil organizations to aid the youth in resolving the issues the face.

IMF said in the conference today that they would try to help in the effort to keep the criminal element from the youth and save the community from drugs.
