State Trading Organization (STO) has said that they would be importing some of the food products and bring it to the market after packing it in Maldives.
In an interview to Sun Media, the Managing Director of STO, Ahmed Shaheer said that STO is researching to import some of the common food products like Milk and Cooking Oil, and pack it in the country and bring it to the market.
“We have a thinking about bringing some food products and repacking, a study is being made on that as well.” Shaheer said.
The Managing Director said that the details on how the products would be brought to the market can be shared after the studies.
Shaheer said that that the “Noofahi” products from STO were a project to bring a lower priced product and the quality issues with the product is being investigated. He also said that a research is being conducted to whether to continue the “Noofahi” products or not.
While STO is attempting to create a new product, the “Noofahi” products created when the former Managing Director, Adam Azim was in charge at the time, was announced that the aim of “Noofahi” products was to present it to the international market aside from the local. Azim also said that STO was thinking about packing the “Noofahi” products in Maldives.