Maldives Customs have discarded a large amount food and beverage items that were in unusable condition.
Customs on Thursday said that items that were discarded during past three months included food and beverage items imported to Maldives on different occasions. These items include 247 cases of eggs, 298 sacks of cabbage, 652 sacks of tomato, 149 cases of Red Bull, 50 cases of spice, seven sacks of potato and nine sacks of onions.
According to Customs, 150 sacks of water melon, 37 sacks of dhaal, 480 cases of Mayonnaise, 600 cases of tomato sauce and 117 cases of mustard cream have been discarded during past three months.
“All those items were discarded because those items were decayed to an extent which is not safe to be consumed by humans” said Customs.
Customs said that items were discarded in the presence of an official and according to Customs regulation 421.