
Gili Lankanfushi ranked as the World

TripAdvisor has ranked Gili Lankanfushi as the World’s Best Resort.

Two other resorts and Gili Lankanfushi are included in the list of 25 World’s Best Resorts identified by TripAdvisor; a popular travel website that provides reviews of travelers. While Gili Lankanfushi is in the first position of the list, Cocoa Island Resort and Constance Moofushi were in the sixth and fifteenth position respectively of the list of World’s Best Resorts.

Gili Lankanfushi has won MATATO Most Romantic Resort award in 2013 and was selected as the number one resort of Asia Region and of Maldives.

With Gili Lankanfushi, seven resorts of Maldives were included in the list of Best Hotels in Asia.

A resort of Costa Rica, Nayara Hotel, Spa & Gardens has won second place and a resort of Cambodia, Shinta Mani Club has won third place from 13th TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice of World’s Bets Resorts in which more than 8,000 resorts competed from eight regions.
