Indian movie star Priyanka Chopra has presented awards to key players in the Maldivian tourism industry, at the second show of the Tourist Arrival Countdown (TAC) Music Festival held at the National Stadium in Malé last night (Thursday night).
Priyanka’s awards were presented to Minister of Tourism Ahmed Adeeb, the show’s hospitality partner and Chairperson of Sun Travels Ahmed Siyam, and the show’s media partner and Director of Champa Brothers Mohamed Moosa.
Priyanka also presented an award to her ‘no.1 Maldivian fan’, Suneetha Ali, and praised Suneetha for her dance skills.
Speaking at the event, Priyanka referred to the arrival of 1.1 million tourists in the Maldives last year, and praised the tourism industry for this achievement. She also promised to visit and perform in the Maldives.