
Ahmadhiyya to be converted into International school

Madhrasathul Ahmadhiyya, school that makes best results in the country and the most popular private school, said that it has been decided to change the school into an international school from the beginning of 2015.

Principal of Ahmadhiyya Mohamed Rasheed said to Sun Online that because Ministry of Education has given approval to convert the school into an international school, they are putting effort to adapt into international standards by renovating and bringing required changes to school management and administration.

In that regard, principal said that the school would be started in the name of “Ahmadhiyya International School” in academic year 2015 and with that change school motto, badge, uniform and duration students have to spend in school would change.

Principal said that although Ahmadhiyya School is converted into an international school, only a slight change to school fee would be brought. He noted that not more than MVR 200 would be added into the fee taken at present.

“MVR 100 would be added to Pre-school students’ fee. Not more than MVR 200 would be added to students of nursery and secondary grades but no alteration would be brought into higher secondary students’ fee” said the principal.

At present Ahmadhiyya provides education at three levels. School fee taken from a pre-school student currently is MVR 250, from a Nursery student is MVR 300 and a fee of MVR 800 is taken from a secondary student.

Rasheed stated that students would be educated according to the National Curriculum after converting into international school, however, additional subjects such as some foreign languages that have demand in Maldives, B Tech and Home Science would be taught.

“Foreign languages such as Arabic, Chinese or Japanese will be taught from next year onwards. Additional opportunities to vocational education and sports activities will also be provided,” said Rasheed.

Rasheed said that while Ahmadhiyya is converted into an international school, recent technologies would be integrated in teaching and learning and they have started recruiting teachers for the next year.

While Ahmadhiyya, which was inaugurated in 1982 is going to be converted into an international school, four international schools are operated in Male’ and Hulhumale’ at present.
