
Court issues detention until the end of trial for 13 suspects arrested over arson attacks in Thinadhoo

Criminal court has issued detention till the end of trial for 13 suspects arrested over burning three government buildings in Gaafu Dhaalu Thinadhoo the day after former president Mohamed Nasheed resigned from presidency.

This warrant was issued to Thinadhoo council member Abdulla Saneef, Ahmed Jamsheed of Gaafu Dhaalu Gahdhoo, Dhonbageechaage , Ahmed Shakir of Albania, Ahmed Risham Shareef of Rihiveli, Musthafa Mohamed of Romeo, Mohamed Riyaz of Mujumaraage, Mohamed Jaaweed of Asareege, Mohamed Jinah Ali of Ujaalaage, Thamheed Mohamed of Atholhuthereyge, Shamoon Ahmed of Akiri, Abdul Mughny of Ujaalaage, Mohamed Wasif of Skoona and Ahmed Saleem of Westpole Iru of Gaafu Dhaalu Thinadhoo.

In the trial held on Sunday, Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed said that the decision made today was unchangeable. When some suspects said that they were unable to attend to the court because they did not get the court order, Chief Judge told the suspects to submit their justification to the court in writing so that the court would ameliorate the decision based on what they submit.

Because those 13 suspects did not attend previous hearing, they were presented to court in police custody on Sunday. Among them, Ahmed Saleem and Mohamed Wasif have been arrested on information police received after an announcement was published to find them. However, two of them have denied the charges and both of them have requested for a chance to present evidence in their defense.

Criminal Court has provided opportunity to present evidences before 2:30 p.m. of next Sunday.

A total of 89 suspects were charged over terrorism in Thinadhoo for having burnt G.Dh Atoll Council Office, Thinadhoo Court, Thinadhoo Police Station and all police vehicles.

An additional hearing of this case would be held on 19 November 2014 and statements from the witnesses presented by the government would be taken that day.
