
Offices of Heavy Load, Bandos and Soneva Fushi broken into and damaged

Large sums of money have been stolen from Vice President Mohamed Waheeddeen (Deen)’s Bandos office, Soneva Fushi office and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Interim Chairperson Reeko Moosa Manik’s Heavy Load office. Serious damage was also caused to the equipment in these offices, all located in Jazeera building on Boduthakurufaanu magu.

About a million Rufiya was stolen from Bandos office located on the second floor. Two safes in Soneva Fushi office located on the fifth floor were broken into, and Rf 200,000 and $5000 were stolen from the office. There was no money in the safe of Reeko Moosa’s Heavy Load office located on the ninth floor; however the office was completely destroyed.

Water and toilet cleaning powder were poured on the computers, fax machines, photo copy machines and other electronic equipment at Heavy Load. Water was poured on several CPUs which were left in the bathroom. Office documents and passports of about sixty foreign nationals were torn up. It was written on the walls, “Moosa, you may have escaped this time but you will be killed”, and “Some computer have been serviced”, and “We will still say it, and say it again. What can you do? Dhen la la la”.

Because there was no cash in the safe at Heavy Load, they had written, “We will vote for you next time if you put some cash next time”.

Reeko Moosa said that the people are likely to have broken into the office at around 12:00 last night, and spent quite some time there.

Police have not provided any details on this serious crime in Jazeera building last night, indicating that the case is under investigation.
