Dhangethi MP and President of Football Association of Maldives (FAM) Ilham Ahmed was attacked with a brick while travelling on his motorcycle late Thursday night.
Police media official said Ilham Ahmed was reported to have been hit on the side of his back with a brick, around 3:30 a.m. near My Shop in Ameenee Magu.
Ilham sought treatment from Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) but was released soon. He did not receive serious injuries.
“No arrests have been made in relation to this. Police are investigating the case,” the police media official said, regarding the attack to the MP.
Jumhoory Party (JP) released a statement this morning strongly condemning the attack and called on the authorities to investigate the case without delay. The party also called on the government to ensure that public safety is guaranteed. Ilham Ahmed is a vice president of JP.