
Broadcom orders DhiTV to answer ACC

Maldives Broadcasting Commission (Broadcom) has ordered DhiTV’s parent company, Maldives Media Company to answer allegations by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), claiming that the company's channels had broadcast false and disparaging content against the commission.

ACC has accused Maldives Media Company channels DhiTV, DhiFM and DhiFM Plus of violating the code of ethics of broadcasting when they aired disparaging and false content regarding the commission during a program titled Quote of the Town on 20 January this year.

The commission has asked Maldives Media Company to answer to the allegations in writing before 13 March.

Although the commission has not decided whether the company has violated the code of ethics, the commission, in a letter to Maldives Media Company, said that due to the allegations, the company could be held liable for violating article 3 of the code of ethics.
