Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) tickets for the upcoming Parliamentary Election have been confirmed for nine more candidates.
A PPM official told Sun Online that Thulhaadhoo ticket has been confirmed to Mohamed Shafeeg, who was the only candidate that applied to contest in the Primary for Thulhaadhoo.
The results of the Primaries held yesterday show that Hulhudhoo ticket was won with 255 votes by Mohamed Shahid, who contested against Moosa Siddeeg and Zahira Nafiz who received 126 and 3 votes respectively.
Ungoofaaru ticket was won with 322 votes by Jaufar Dhaaoodh, who contested against Ahmed Saeed and Najih Jinah who received 4 and 126 votes respectively.
Inguraidhoo ticket was won with 512 votes by Ibrahim Falah, who contested against three candidates including Ibrahim Umar Manik who received 182 votes.
Alifushi ticket was won with 369 votes by Mohamed Yoosuf, who contested against Jilwaz Jaufar who received 119 votes.
Dhuvaafaru ticket was won with 362 votes by Mohamed Ali, who contested against Ahmed Salih who received 176 votes.
Felidhoo ticket was won with 34 votes by Mohamed Thorig.
Madaveli ticket was won with 207 votes by Abdulla Mohamed, who contested against Ahmed Nazim who received 124 votes.
Fares Mathoda ticket was won with 343 votes by Hussain Mohamed Latheef, against Ahmed Siddeeg.