
Nilandhoo atoll store robbed

A large amount of money and goods were stolen from Faafu Nilandhoo people's atoll store, in a robbery last night.

Confirming that they have received reports of the robbery, police media official said the robbers had broken into the store by breaking its storeroom door.

“We don’t have details of what was taken. Police are investigating the case,” the official said.

A source from Nilandhoo said that at the time of robbery, more than MVR 25,000 in cash is believed to be inside the store and the robbers had also taken cartons of cigarette.

Niladhoo has recently seen a string of robberies. The capital island of Faafu atoll was shocked last October when the safe in the Faafu Atoll Council office was stolen with over MVR 500,000 in cash. The safe and money have not been recovered.
