General Manager of Haa Alifu Alidhoo Resort Jadulla Jameel has denied the charges pressed against him by the State regarding the use of cannabis.
Lawyer representing Jadulla denied these charges at the trial at Criminal Court today.
The State then presented evidence against Jadulla to prove their claims, including three police officers who went to the scene of the incident as witnesses, and a drug test report.
Jadulla also presented three police officers as witnesses for his defence. They were Ahmed who works at Haa Dhaalu Kulhudhuffushi Police Station, Azmeel, and Ali Rasheed.
The judge asked Jadulla to submit the full names and addresses of the police officers to the court before noon tomorrow.
The State pressed charges against Jadulla after the police found cannabis on the ground near a hut resembling a bar in the island of Haa Dhaalu Hondaidhoo at 4:30 a.m. on 17 November 2012, where Jadulla was with a group of people.
Jadulla’s lawyer said that unless the police found Jadulla’s fingerprints at the scene of the incident, he cannot be held responsible for the drugs found in Hondaidhoo.