
Closely watching the developments in Maldives, says India

The Indian External Ministry has stated that India and the international community have been closely watching the developments in Maldives and has expressed grave concern over the “attempts to stall the democratic process.”

In a statement released by the External Ministry today, the Indian government expressed disappointment in the cancellation of the re-run presidential election, scheduled for today.

“India is deeply disappointed that the repeat first round of the Presidential elections was not held as scheduled today, October 19 and that the Elections Commission was not allowed to proceed with holding elections as per its Constitutional mandate,” the statement read.

The Indian government further stated that it is important that the electoral process is put back on track immediately with a definite timeline so that a new president is elected and sworn in on November 11, 2013 as mandated by the constitution.

In a statement by the Indian High Commission in the Maldives on Friday, the India government urged all political parties to accept the voters’ register and show a spirit of understanding, cooperation and accommodation by supporting the efforts for holding elections as scheduled.
