
JP proposes timetable to hold election this Saturday

Jumhoory Party (JP) has proposed a timetable to the Elections Commission defining certain conditions to be fulfilled to hold the presidential election Saturday coming next, 26th October.

The timetable was presented at a press conference in JP’s main campaign post, Kunooz, this evening. It proposes for the first round of the election to be held on the Saturday, 26 October, and the second round if necessary, on 2 November, allowing for a president to take oath on 11 November as required by the Constitution.

However, JP has also conditioned four points for the Elections Commission to fulfill while following the table.

The points include; for the commission to ensure that the voters’ list tallies with the data from the Department of National Registration (DNR), for the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT) to ensure that the Elections Commission database cannot be accessed by any unauthorized personnel, for the commission to verify fingerprints of five percent of voters’ re-registered for the election, and for the commission to allow a three-day period, starting from last Friday, 18 October, for political parties to verify the voters’ list and allow parties 24 hours to endorse the lists.

President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has also called on the Elections Commission to hold the re-run election this Saturday.
